Whatever the reason for weaning or the age of the baby, this period can generate many questions among young parents concerning the well-being of the child, but also of the mother. We will help you through this transition so that you can manner it with greater serenity.
Sevrer bébé (voir article : Le sevrage, comment l’aborder ?) revient à arrêter partiellement ou complètement l’allaitement maternel. Quel que...
En France, pour les femmes qui souhaitent allaiter plus de 2 mois et demi, la reprise du travail constitue une...
The tricky weaning period When a mum decides to start weaning her baby, the doctor or pharmacist are on hand...
Breast milk is the ideal food for babies, and WHO recommends that babies should be exclusively breastfed up to the...
A formula tailored to your baby’s age That is the number 1 priority to take into account in order to...